American pop sensation Taylor Swift is reported to have a new fan this evening as a local Dad finally admits he’s become one of the converted.

Steve Hodges (48) of Tempe is one of the many fathers in Australia who’s been subject to relentless hours of road trip torture over the Christmas break, forced to play nothing but Taylor Swift through the car speakers.

But after building up his Tay Tay tolerance over the holidays, like how a gym junkie can become immune to the effects of pre-workout, Steve is finally open to mouthing a few of the songs which his deep subconscious knows word-for-word.

“Look she’s got a few good ones, I’d rather my girls listen to her than some of those smutty rap songs going around,” Steve told The Advocate as he boarded the ‘express’ train back to Central.

“Her early country stuff has something about it!”

The helicopter parent of three daughters, Steve has tonight won some serious ‘Dad of The Year’ points for accompanying his kids out to Sydney Olympic Park to attend the Eras tour.

And despite the fact his ears are now bleeding after enduring the wall of screaming, Steve has decided to get involved in some of the train karaoke, as he sits in an overpacked carriage filled with Swifties overdosing on post show happiness.

“And it’s oohoahhh, whoahaooh, oh it’s a cruel summahhh” he mouthed under his breathed, as the whole carriage burst into another chorus.

“C’mon mate join in,” Steve told our reporter, “it’s just easier if you embrace it.”

More to come.


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