In global news, a Betoota girl has launched into her European holiday a little softer this year as she attempts to play up her credentials as an international woman of mystery.

​​Arabella Edwards-Smith (28) is reported to have just begun her month-long pilgrimage to Europe, as she looks to escape the dire Australian winter for something a little more Aperol friendly.

However, aware that cost of living pressures have forced many within her immediate private school circle to downsize their usual trip to the Amalfi coast for a week in a Balinese villa, Arabella has this morning uploaded a more subtle story to allude that her international holiday is just beginning.

In a piece of Instagram content scrolled past by The Advocate, it can be confirmed that Arabella soft launched her trip with a vibey picnic featuring a bottle of Sangiovese, a bread stick, some olives and a few slices of Mortadella ham, or ‘Italian Devon’ as we refer to it in The Advocate lunch room.

Speaking to the local girl whose yearly trips to Europe get funded by her parents who will join her in less than a week’s time, Arabella said there’s an art to nailing the mysterious holiday aesthetic.

“Yeah, I decided not to launch into my content with a photo at the departure gates, that stuff is kinda naff these days,” Arabella told our reporter via WhatsApp.

“Just popping up in some adventurous sounding place with some sun-drenched tapas is the way to do it.”

“Course I still needed to geotag my story with ‘La Pelosa, Sardinia’, that way even the geographically challenged back home assume I could be in Mexico, Spain or Italy. Can you believe some people have never even been to Europe?!”

It’s believed Arabella will be swanning about Europe for the next few weeks, The Advocate will report back any breaking updates as they come.


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