EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

At the age of 31, single woman Mia Hewitt ideally would love nothing more than to live on her own, if not for a perpetually free bathroom but also so she could bring someone back to her room without worrying about the sounds of love richeting of the hollow walls of a very old, very decrepit, three bedroom house.

Despite making a decent amount of money, Mia still isn’t at that comfortable point in her career where she can spend $500 a week for a studio and still stay afloat. Plus, seeing as she originally stems from a country town, it sincerely hurts her to blow that much money paying someone else’s house off, that would have gotten her a three bedder with a pool back home.

So even though she’s more than ready to make that next stage of adulthood, she’s not in the right place to do it yet, which means Mia has to grit and deal with living with a revolving door of housemates.

And sadly with new people, comes a whole slew of different living standards – or lack thereof.

From dealing with constant skid marks in the toilet, chunks of toothpaste in the sink, and a never ending tumbleweed of hair that makes its way into every one of her meals, Mia finds herself living on the edge. 

Mia speaks to The Advocate about her latest drama, stating that she’s considering just finding a girlfriend for the sake of having more fucking space (as if that’ll work).

“So I literally just cleaned the entire stove”, says Mia, “scrubbed off every fleck of oil and food.”

“Not five minutes later, my roomie Ella pours an entire jar of pasta sauce on it.”

Clarifying if she meant she’d poured it into a pot and it had somehow leaked over, Mia shakes her head.

“No, she quite literally just poured the sauce directly onto the stove.”

“Then dropped a pile of cooked spaghetti onto the floorboards.”

“I have no idea why.”

More to come.


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