Young Ellie Wasson isnt having fun. .

“It’s not the working that has ruined it for me, it’s dealing with the large number of piss filled patrons that frequent the pub on January 26,” she told one of our reporters today.

As she attempted to smoosh schnitzel ridden vomit down the drain of the now clogged urinal, she told us that “shit like this” is the reason she is going to finish her apprenticeship.

“The only bloke rostered on is the manager, and he claims he is pouring beers, so as the bottom rung of the ladder I have to fucking come in here and deal with this festering mess,” she said while dry heaving into her elbow.

“It’s funny what you do for money isn’t it.”

After some investigative work we found the man responsible for the vomit in the urinal and asked him whether he felt bad that a young glassy had to clean it out?

“Yeah, fucking woooooooooooo cunntttttttt. Happy straya day! Woooo cunt,” was the response shouted in our face before the man adorned with an Australian flag wandered off into the beer garden.


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