The Albanese Government’s third Federal Budget has been widely criticised this week, as both the Prime Minister and his Treasurer stand accused of not doing enough to address the current cost-of-living crisis and broader economic downturn.

Betoota Heights-based logistics analyst, Dale Payne (31) is one of the millions of Australians who’ve come to realise that Albo isn’t shit.

“Everything has only got worse since he got elected” says Dale, who makes a fair point that our economy is currently not doing as well as it was under the 30th Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Scott John Morrison MP.

Dale’s comments are in sync with the vast number of Australians, who hold the Albanese Government directly responsible for the last 20 years of tax legislation that have led to the hysterical housing crisis that has paralysed any chance of financial emancipation for every voter under the age of 40.

“Labor… Liberal… They are all the same” he says.

As skilled millennial worker who took Joe Hockey’s advice in 2014 and ‘got a good job’ with the aim of entering the housing market, Dale has realised that it was never going to be enough – and recognised government intervention was going to be the only way.

But even with his frugal budget and savings, Dale has absolutely no prospect of owning a home in his lifetime – even though he had hoped the issue of both supply and Boomer wealth-hoarding would’ve been resolved after 3 years of Labor.

“He’s happy to spend billions on submarines we don’t need, but can’t do anything about the interest rates”

Dale is of course talking about the 368 billion dollar AUKUS submarine deal, which was signed by both Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, US President Joe Biden and And British Prime Minister Boris Johnson as part of a trilateral defence agreement in September 2021 – after Australia had humilated ourselves on the world stage by backpedalling from a previously agreed upon contract with the France.

“But it’s not just that he’s spending money on. What about all the welfare!?” roars Dale, who like every other Australian, was paid 700 dollars a week to not go to his job and stay at home smoking cones and watching Sons Of Anarchy for the best of 18 months tbetween 2020 and 2022.

“They have absolutely fucked the economy.”

“I think I’m gonna vote for [the Federal Opposition who held government for ten years straight until I joined the rest of Australia in voting them out 3 years ago]”

“They’d do a better job than this mob”



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