Breaking News

Tourists continue to get their hands wet in American toilets

13 November, 2015. 10:05 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact SAM GREENBRANCH SAID he had the holiday of a lifetime ahead of him. While most of his friends took the easy road out and headed to Europe for the cheaper off-season holiday, the 24-year-old data entry specialist decided last minute to spend his allocated two weeks holiday in the United States. He...

Malcolm Turnbull Deals Crippling Blow to Nation’s Blacksmiths

  3 November, 2015. 10:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact Australia’s blacksmiths have voiced their displeasure with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull after he announced that he would be scrapping Tony Abbott’s controversial dames and knighthoods. “It’s absurd,” says Yurin Blackhands, a smithy based in the Adelaide Hills, “it took me most of winter to set up my kiln. I got a prime...

TOWN NOTICE: Gino and Mark Stocco Unable To Make Family Reunion

29 October, 2015. 16:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Betoota's favourite father and son fugitives Gino and Mark Stocco have been caught by NSW Police near Dunedoo in central western NSW. It is believed they were intercepted while travelling back to their hometown of Betoota, in Western Queensland, where their extended family was waiting. The pair, two of Australia's most wanted men, were surrounded on a property...

Local Man Says Cancerous Processed Meats Better Bring It

27 October, 2015. 11:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact Simon Noble, a "rather stocky" 29-year-old from South Betoota says the recent findings by the World Health Organization makes him nervous. But it doesn't scare him. In news that has rocked the developed world, The W.H.O announced on Monday that bacon, sausage and other processed meats cause cancer and that red meat probably does, too. The...

House White Gets The Nod After Diner Spends 20 Minutes Staring At Wine List

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact A NEW FARM WOMAN spent close to half an hour inspecting a wine list before selecting the cheapest option. Friends of the 28-year-old advertising client relation's manager assistant say she had no real reason to pretend she cared, or was even interested, in what she was ordering. "It was just... yeah it was pretty frustrating," said one source. "The restaurant...

The Betoota Advocate In Talks With Netflix Over New TV Show

23 October, 2015. 16:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact With the success of Betoota's Weekly Wireless News Update, our humble Outback newspaper has been headhunted by the multi-national film and television streaming service, Netflix. BELOW:This week's news Podcast from The Betoota Advocate It is believed executives from Netflix have spent the last two weeks attempting to make contact with the Betoota Advocate's editors after...

LISTEN: The Betoota Advocate Got “Toadie” On The Phone

16 October, 2015. 17:20 Weekly Wireless News Wrap | Contact They said we couldn't do it. But we did it. By "they" we mean the staff at Channel 10, who swore that we would never get in touch with Ryan Moloney, also known as Jarrod "Toadfish" Rebecci. We got in touch with him, our brief conversation was recorded and features in this week's Wireless...

Turnbull Wins Support From Bondi CrossFit Community With 120KG Power Clean

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact While visiting Bondi Beach in his home electorate today, Mr Turnbull and his staffers took the opportunity to visit a popular CrossFit "Body Shop" to discuss a harmonic future between both CrossFit and the greater population. "It was a complete surprise," says Mike Barney, a personal trainer/dietician/nutritionist and the gym's owner and operator. "I really had no...

Malcolm Turnbull’s Point Piper home to feature on MTV Cribs in US

8 October, 2015. 7:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact PRIME MINISTER MALCOLM Turnbull's Point Piper manor is set to star on the US-reality TV show "MTV Cribs" after news he turned down Kirribilli House, arguably the most desirable harbourside address, for his own home. Valued at close to $50m, Turnbull's house boasts some of the most obscure and extravagant features...

Maverick Workplace Atheist Refuses To Be Blessed By Office Colleagues After Sneeze

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact Local atheist Brad Pincombe has had enough of what he has dubbed ‘activist Christians’ for saying ‘bless you’ every time he sneezes. Mr Pincombe, who suffers from occasional asthma attacks, says springtime is particularly bad for him with pollen in the air. "I sneeze quite a bit at this time of the year. But that's my business... I...



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