USE THE SCISSORS: In a heart-pounding incident, a mother in Betoota’s suburban locale had a near-death experience when her child ripped off a clothes tag without employing the services of a trusty pair of scissors. 

The unsuspecting mother, Sally Smyth was innocently sipping her herbal tea while her child decided to take matters into their own hands. Armed with nothing but determination and a set of nails.

The consequence? A heart-stopping, fabric-ripping sound that sent Mrs. Smyth plummeting into cardiac arrest. 

Emergency responders were lucky to get there in time. 

“We’ve seen some daring tag extractions in our time,” said one paramedic, “but for the well-being of mothers across Australia, we always recommend using scissors” 

Hopefully next time the child encounters a rogue tag, they approach it with the caution and respect it deserves.


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