The world’s richest man has today shown off his savvy negotiating skills, by changing tack in his discussions with the social media giant Twitter.

Caught up in a brawl over the sale of the platform, Elon Musk has apparently leaned on a strategy employed by lowballing gronks all over the world.

He’s offered to pay the company half of the listed price, in cash, picking up this arvo.

The huge move for the 44 billion dollar company comes as Twitter announces it is suing Musk to try and enforce the sale, after Musk tried to back out of the deal.

Musk said he is backing out of the deal citing concerns around spambots on the platform, after already agreeing to the purchase.

However, it looks as though the spam bot ploy could have been a clever little play, with the idol of local tech nerds now trying to pick Twitter up for half price.

“Bro, good like trying to sell for that price,” said Musk in a DM with Twitter today.

“You literally won’t get that for it.”

“I’ll give you 22 billion in cash and I’ll pick up this arvo,” continued Musk, dictating to the seller how the transaction will work.

It’s not known how Musk will be able to get his hands on 22 billion dollars worth of cash, but he’s since followed up his messages that haven’t been responded to with multiple question marks.

More to come.


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