Former Deputy PM and renowned political yipper, Josh Frydenberg has today hosed down speculation that he will recontest the Melbourne seat of Kooyong for the Liberals at the 2025 election.

Frydenberg, who was tipped to be the next Liberal Party leader once they finally got rid of Scott Morrison, ended up losing Kooyong to the Independent candidate Dr Monique Ryan – even after digging up an extensive dirt file on the renowned paediatric neurologist and targeting her family.

In fact, as the right-hand man to Morrison throughout all of the ludicrous chaos that came with the last term of government, Frydenberg’s reputation as ‘leader material’ couldn’t even be saved by former Howard-era Treasurer and current Chairman of Nine Media Peter Costello, who joined him on the campaign to help hand out flyers at the ballot – while also running a nationwide media protection racket.

Two years later, after the dust has settled from the disastrous Teal Wave that saw six other blue-ribbon Liberal Electorates snatched by professional female Independents running a grassroots campaign with far less than favourable media coverage, and it seems Frydenberg was thinking he might be ready to make a comeback.

Unfortunately for the Pandemic Treasurer, it seems he still lacks the confidence or intuition required to back himself at the right time.

Just like when he sat on his hands for four years of a disastrously corrupt Morrison government, opting to never put his hand up as a potential leader – even during the fatal Hawaii holiday, or the flight of female MPs to the crossbench and retirement, or the comically bungled jab roll-out.

Once again, Frydenberg has waited until it was too late to insert himself as the potential Liberal Party leader that both Costello and Murdoch have brainwashed Australia into thinking he is.

His most recent dabble back into politics unfortunately comes after the party already preselected 31-year-old Amelia Hamer for the inner-east Melbourne seat that she will probably lose to Dr Ryan anyway because upper-middle class voters much prefer a high profile female crossbencher than a nameless and ignored female backbencher.

Despite every old man in the Liberals urging him to ignore the democratic process and the party’s disastrous ‘women problem’ and just make them call another pre-selection, Frydenberg has instead opted to wade in a familiar paralysis of action for four more years until Dutton has damaged the Coalition beyond repair.


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