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A year after beginning at the Hotel Management School in Epping, Cindy Carlton is still referring to it as “Uni.”
At the latest family brunch in Lane Cove, Cindy told her family “Uni is going great this year,” as her father Peter grimaced and sipped his instant coffee.
Whilst Cindy’s aunty prods away pleasantly, Mr Carlton (not for the first time) can’t help but wonder where the $150,000 of school fees went.
“Explaining it to people is pretty difficult, mate.”
“I sent her to the best girl’s school in Sydney and she has ended up at some college I’ve never heard of… Couldn’t she have even got an Arts Degree from Sydney Uni?” he told the Advocate.
Although Cindy’s mum can’t understand why she keeps referring to it as University she “is just happy that she is doing what she loves.”
Spending a year off trying finding herself, Cindy returned to face the fact that she wouldn’t be accepted into a traditional, sandstone tertiary institution.
All of her friends were going to university and Cindy didn’t want to be excluded, so she signed up to the college which told her she is “guaranteed a job once she graduates.”
Cindy says she is excited for what the future holds and knows that this “degree” will set her in good stead. “Oh, I don’t actually want to work in a hotel. I’ll just use my degree and my networking skills to take me somewhere. I will probably end up in marketing,” she said.
She is an inspiration, everyone should secure their own future.