A local bladder has decided to effectively stop working as a local resident fumbles with the front door keys tonight.

After not showing any signs of needing to be relieved until about 4 minutes ago, the usually pretty forgiving organ has decided the front door is close enough.

”Yeah I’m good to go here aye” says the bladder.

”You good? I can flat just go now. Like right here”

This particularly physiological reaction, while confusing to many, is not uncommon, as bladders around the country have been reported for behaving in similar ways.

As the keys are rushed into the door and unsuccessful in their first few twists, the local resident begins to clench.

The bladder, not one to be pushed around, defiantly let’s a few droplets out the gate. As if to say “you better fucken hurry”

”Come on now” it says.

”You were the one that said we’d be done by now”

”You’ve got five seconds or I’m making an absolute scene out here”

At time of press there was a visible splash that came out as the underpants were rushed down to the floor – as the panicked local resident tried very hard to avoid slipping on the bathroom tiles.


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