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The Queensland Opposition has both slammed and blasted the decision to fly-in US rapper 50 Cent to promote the State Government’s new 50 cent public transport policy in a move that’s said to have cost the taxpayer millions.

Premier Steven Miles has defended the decision, telling The Advocate that the ‘In Da Club’ rapper will help spread the message far and wide.

“Nobody knows how far 50 cents goes in life than 50 Cent!” Premier Miles explained to our reporter.

“You know, uh, campaigns like this need cut through and 50 Cent is popular with all Queenslanders. From the Tip to the Tweed. Birkdale to Birdsville. Everyone loves to get up on the dancefloor when In The Club [sic] comes on.”

When asked how much it cost the Queensland taxpayer, Premier Miles coughed.

“Well, uh, you know it’s not about the cost, it’s about getting the word out that you can go anywhere in Queensland for 50 cents now. So, yeah. The more people know the better. I, uh, just hope this doesn’t result in a giant influx of homeless into Brisbane, you know, from around Queensland. In fact, the opposite would be better. Tell you what, if I was a New Farm Park tramp, I’d be packing up my bindle and getting the train up to Cairns for winter,” he added.

“Sleep on the beach, wash in the sea. Climb the fence into Gilligans and drink as many abandoned drinks as I could before the bouncers got to me. They have OK, not brilliant, but OK homeless services up there. You can get a feed once in a while. It’s better getting woke up bit on the arse by some New Farm dachshund.”

Born Curtis Jackson in New York City, the US rapper turned entrepreneur is slated to arrive in Australia in coming days and one person who won’t be there to welcome him is Opposition leader David Crisafulli.

“It’s a waste of money at a time when the state can’t be wasting money,” he said.

“And his movie sucked.”

More to come.


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