34 year old Noah Cheshire, a self-proclaimed survivor of the early 2000s drought, is still unable to shake off the trauma associated with the early 2000’s flood when flushing toilets on full blast. 

The millennial, who grew up in the chaotic times of Australian Idol season 1, the post Olympic come down and general economic stability, has reportedly struggled with using the full flush on toilets all the way up to the mid 20’s.

Noah, who vividly remembers the horrific drought of the early 2000s, a time when water fights were limited to one cup per child and water wastage was practically a jailable offense, has become the poster child for a generation of adults that are bothered by those that have showers longer than 3 minutes. 

Some are calling them the “droughtlennials” , a generation born inbetween 1990 to 1994 that to this day, are paranoid at the idea of Australia running out of water.

“I can’t just flush away litres of water like it’s no big deal,” Noah declared passionately.


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