Local man, Simon Boyd (32), was brimming with nostalgia and anticipation as he eagerly rebooted his favorite childhood game, only to swiftly abandon his quest after realizing the daunting time commitments required to actually get to the fun part of the game.

With fond memories of the vast lands of Tamriel, Simon dusted off his old gaming console and fired up the beloved classic that had once consumed his every waking moment.

“I was ready to relive the glory days,” Simon recalled, a glint of excitement in his eyes. 

“But little did I know, as I was there, staring at the create your character screen, I thought about the amount of time I would have sink into this thing to even get into it, it’s simply not feasible unfortunately”

Simon recounts turning off his console and sitting there in silence, with the newfound realisation that there is a good chance he will never  again in life have 5 uninterrupted hours sitting in front of a video game.

“With work, my partner, and my phone addiction, it just seems like this whole video games thing just isn’t going to work out.” Simon said.

With a heavy heart and a newfound appreciation for the fleeting nature of time, Simon closed the chapter on his childhood game, happy in knowing that, while the adventures may have ended, the memories would live on as a testament to a simpler time where five uninterrupted hours in front of a computer screen were the the norm.


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