EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

The nation’s woo girls have been seen raiding costume shops and adult stores en masse this week, as they scramble to get some sexy outfits for Halloween.

Costume store owners allege that police officer uniforms and nun dresses were quickly snapped up, but that luckily they’d prepared ahead of time to do a mass ordering of the most popular costume for Halloween, which has been unable to be shifted from its top spot since Halloween’s inception – sexy underpaid and overworked frontline workers!

Available in both normal and zombie versions, the sexy underpaid and overworked frontline worker costume comes complete with garment socks (sexy stockings) hats that haven’t been worn since the war era, and an oversized syringe or stethoscope, and are usually adorned with some kind of heel – which is admittedly a very inaccurate depiction of a modern underpaid and overworked frontline worker, who would probably end up with severe Bunions if they had to spend 16 hours shifts tottering around in pumps.

Nonetheless, for girls looking for a banging Halloween costume, the sexy underpaid and overworked frontline worker outfit offers bloke’s the fantasy of being cared for and nurtured in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with mummy issues, with the added bonus of having an excuse to have something stuck up their ass.

That’s hot.

More to come.


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