Local News

76% Of Women Have Openly Declared They Want An AirFryer For Christmas

STACY OAKSHEAF | City News | CONTACTIn a groundbreaking survey conducted across suburban Australia, results have revealed a new kitchen appliance thats on a growing number of Christmas wish lists. The study, commissioned by the Institute of Festive Gifting (IFG), disclosed that a whopping 76% of women have boldly proclaimed their desire for an air fryer as this year's ultimate Christmas gift. Dr. Yule Giftworthy,...

Australia’s Mums Gear Up For The Onslaught Of Scented Candles Headed Their Way This Week

STACY OAKSHEAF | City News | CONTACTAs Christmas edges closer, the nation's mums are gearing up for a the onslaught of unwanted scented candles thats coming their way, courtesy of a well-intentioned but slightly misguided gesture from their thoughtless offspring and ‘dearest’ family friends. Yes it’s true. Scented candles have become the unwanted currency of appreciation this Christmas. It’s become the go-to gift for...

Decision Fatigue Plagues Woman As She Struggles To Pick Colour In High Octane Vietnamese Nail Salon

STACY OAKSHEAF | City News | CONTACTLocal woman, Sophie Hughes, found herself in a gripping indecisive battle with herself at the nail salon yesterday, suffering from what experts have described as a severe case of "Decision Fatigue." Upon sitting in the Pedicure chair at her local Vietnamese salon, Sophie was immediately overwhelmed when she was told to “pick a colour” by the nail technician...

Junior Colleague Plagued With Anxiety After Telling Coworkers What He Does For Fun At Xmas Party

STACY OAKSHEAF | City News | CONTACTDespite the jolly ambiance of last Friday’s annual Christmas celebration, Tim Harris, a reserved 23-year-old office worker, found himself in adaunting predicament. During a lighthearted game of 'Put A Finger Down,' Tim inadvertently disclosed his occasional expeditions into a less-than-conventional pastime — sending ripples of shock through the office Xmas party. Tim, known for his shy nature, unleashed an...

Apprentice Rewarded Generously For Not Having A Family To Take On Holidays This Time Of The Year

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT As the worksites begin to thin out around the country, the only men left standing are the blokes who give a shit. That's according to the builders anyway, as they attempt to meet to the pre-Christmas deadlines they have promised on these wildly inconsistent December jobs. With millions of luxury work vehicles loaded with boogie boards and BMX bikes, the...

Sobering Return To Work Made Worse As Local Girl Discovers Ghosts of Cooked New Years Eve

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACTA local girl is battling a serious case of head noise this morning, as she fronts up to the first day of the working year with little will to live.Sitting back at her office desk for the first time in three weeks, The Advocate can confirm the dream is all but over for local sales manager...

Clear Eyes Only Thing Resembling Medicine In All Boy Sharehouse

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACTA rather abstinent form of alternative medicine seems to be the go in a Betoota all boy sharehouse as the only thing they have resembling pharmaceutical goods is a well worn bottle of Clear Eyes.The sharehouse in question is a Betoota Ponds rental property with knee-high grass and a defaced sign that reads Devo Cunts instead of Devon...

Chinese Restaurant Dropping Rare Maroon 5 Acoustic Cut

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACTA local Chinese restaurant has flaunted some muso chops by casually dropping a rare Maroon 5 acoustic cut right in the middle of service.Responsible for representing several diverse cultures and cuisines in the monocultural Betoota Heights community, the Golden Tallis is known for providing what a now cancelled food critic once called ‘an absolute oriental feast’ alongside an...

Dodgy Real Estate Agency Hopes House Hunters Don’t Notice Furniture Clearly Ripped From Shutterstock

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACTA shonky local real estate agency has been at it again this morning, devising a bright new plan for cutting some further costs from their business. After outsourcing the photography of properties to AirTasker and hiring a local orphanage to mow the lawns of houses up for sale, many Betoota locals have been wondering how a notoriously...

Bloke Who Regrets Southern Cross Tattoo Begins New Life As Brazilian 

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACTAs any young man from a regional town with a high unemployment rate ought to do, Trevor Cantor (35) got a Southern Cross tattoo as a teenager.Much like the cement works, Cantor has left his hometown years ago and has become much more leftwing ever since he paid someone else to make a coffee for him.“My uncles were...



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