
Baby Boomers Somehow Still In Charge Of Everything, Despite Being Scared Of The Internet

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT   Despite a disastrous track record of destroying the environment, declaring unnecessary wars and warehousing poor people inside prisons - the world is still being run by people born during the post-World War II baby boom (1946-1964) - it has been confirmed. This particular generation, also known as 'The Baby Boomers' have been heavily criticised over the last thirty years for their...

Turnbull Announces $150B Submarine Program To Aid In Fighting ISIS Underwater

26 January, 2016 13:00 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT PRIME MINISTER MALCOLM TURNBULL has today announced that the government will build a fleet of 12 new submarines over the next 30 years as part of an overall increase in defence spending to combat the rise of religious extremism in the Middle East. Early estimates have costed the submarines at $50 billion to design and build, but the...

Hollywood Accused Of ‘Whitewashing’ After Ryan Gosling Is Cast As 2pac In New Biopic

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT After the critical and box office success of Straight Out of Compton, there’s been big buzz surrounding the upcoming biopic of Tupac Shakur biopic Thug Life, produced by Quentin Tarantino (Hateful 8) Spike Lee (Malcolm X) and Michael Caton (The Castle), is being directed by Hip Hop video veteran, Joaquin Phoenix and has been making news as it glides through the film...

Chinese Investors Not Too Interested In Caboolture

25 January, 2016 10:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Earlier this year, Treasurer Scott Morrison has approved the sale of Australia’s largest dairy farming business, the Van Diemen’s Land Company (VDL), to the Chinese-owned Moon Lake Investments. VDL, which dates from 1825, owns and operates 25 dairy farms in Tasmania, milking some 18,000 cows. The $280 million dollar sale has left both economists, politicians and farmers...

Senator Bernardi Settles In For His Nightly Corrective Shock Therapy After A Big Day In Parliament

24 January, 2016 17:55 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT After a hard day at work, Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi is relieved to be at home with his wife Sinead Bernardi, the Bible, and his two young children who were conceived through a strict missionary program several months after his marriage. A big day in Parliament, and a media blitz right across the country, saw Senator Bernardi...

Australian Cricketers Under Fire For Acting Like Australian Cricketers

23 February, 2016. 16:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IN 2001, SHANE WARNE was clubbed over the rope for six runs by a little-known Zimbabwean batsman by the name of Stuart Carlisle, during a friendly one day international between our two nations. It would've been like any other match, but Warne immortalised Carlisle the only way he could. Watching the ball sail...

Peter Dutton Planning To Send Pocock Family To Nauru After Learning Of Their Refugee Status

23 January, 2016 13:35 CHIP DOUGLAS | Entertainment | CONTACT The heart-warming tale of overcoming adversity was the central message last nights Australian Story - focusing on Wallabies superstar David Pocock and his family fleeing Zimbabwe in 2002 to seek the human right of asylum and safety in the Australian river city of Brisbane, QLD.  With the seemingly innocuous episode highlighting the Wallabies flanker's background, it...

Religious Extremism Less Likely In Western QLD Because God Left That Place A Long Time Ago

23 January, 2016 10:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Banjo Paterson once wrote about the Barcoo shire in Western Queensland. The opening line of of his 1890 poem "A Bush Christening" gives profile to the district: "On the outer Barcoo where the churches are few, And men of religion are scanty" In the century and a half since this poem was written, nothing has changed. Other than...

Turnbull Retires His Use Of The Words “Exciting” and “Innovative”

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull returned from his trip "Up North" over the weekend, with very little to talk about. "Richard Di Natale was right when he said God has forgotten about that awful, awful place - 1/3" the Prime Minister tweeted earlier today. "I mean, 2016 essentially ends at Gladstone, any further north than that and it's like I'm...

Sydney Morning Herald Hires Former ‘CollegeHumour’ Journo To Cover US Election

22 January, 2016 15:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The former editor-at-large of CollegeHumour Australia, New Yorker George Brohman (22), has been hired by The Sydney Morning Herald as the lead reporter covering the current US Election - it was confirmed today. His writing debuted on page 16 today with a story titled "Donald Trump Is Seriously Killing it RN" - where the media commentator known as "Bro"...



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