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And we are off and racing.

That’s right, the starter’s gun has officially been fired into the air, and the ‘Silly Season’ is here.

For those lucky enough not to be affected by climate change disasters or recession induced job losses, it’s time to start revelling in the back end of the year.

While the Silly Season doesn’t technically kick off until Monday afternoon the day before the Melbourne Cup, it’s believed the warmer weather on the Eastern Seaboard, and the fact that everyone in Melbourne has a four day weekend anyway means that it’s go time.

With the Melbourne Cup all set to race and a couple of months of festivities ahead, the starter has decided to let off his loud bangy empty cartridge.

“Yeah, it’s a pretty glorious afternoon where I am in the world,” said the local 57-year-old Athletics Official.

“So I popped the earmuffs on and decided to get things rolling.”

The firing of the gun has seen many around the Betoota area scrambling into bars and pubs, with the beer taps well and truly opened.

At the famous Lord Kidman Hotel Cheryl from Finance has apparently just decided to order a round of tequila shots for the team.

Elsewhere around the pub, plenty of drinks are being polished off like post match Gatorades, with schooners, pints and cocktails vanishing at an alarming rate.

More to come.


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