Local cafe staff might be expecting a Nobel Science Prize in the mail after attempting to split a bill for a table of diners. 

Earlier today, the waitstaff at French Quarter cafe The Bread Bin were reported to have a horrified response to being asked to split a bill, with some suggesting the staff misheard the diners and thought they had been asked to split an atom instead.

The atom was first split in 1938 by German chemist Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassman, a scientific breakthrough that still holds the potential to solve renewable energy but is mostly used in the creation of weapons. 

Although splitting an atom is only something that can and should be attempted by scientific experts, the waitstaff of The Bread Bin might find that preferable to trying to split the bill for this table of six. 

“Oh we don’t normally split bills,” stated one server with a wavering voice that suggested a fear of contracting lifelong radiation poisoning.

“I-I’ll, I guess I’ll check if we can…”

Realising that they had effectively asked the staff to perform a complicated act of nuclear fission, the diners decided one of them could pay the whole bill and everyone else would pay them back, like any group of decent people are capable of doing.


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