ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A local man’s time in the upside-down is seemingly coming to an end as his JobSeeker payments are about to be cut.

Scott Morrison and his friend Joshua has said today that JobKeeper and JobSeeker will be harder to get moving forward and the payment itself will be less than what it is right now.

“It’s time to go back to work, everybody,” said Josh.

Scott nodded pensively.

“You see, we have heard isolated cases of people choosing the couch over shifts and that’s not on. If you aren’t having a go, then we aren’t going to give you one. Everybody needs to work, even if it’s a job that you feel you’re above,” said Scott.

Josh smiled pensively.

“Yes, we can’t afford to burden future Australians with all this debt. It’s time to wake up and go back to the worksite, office or wherever you work,” said Josh.

Back to our local man, Glenn Dollarhyde, who told The Advocate a short time ago that this news means he’ll have to start looking for work.

He has a degree in history and art criticism. Both are hobbies in the eyes for the Federal Government so that means Glenn is faced with two options.

Go back to university and do a course that might find him some professional employment in the future – or go back to work.

“I’ve been working in hospitality management for a few years,” he said.

“But I was between jobs when COVID-19 struck so I couldn’t get anything besides the unemployment benefit, which made me feel sad and a bit worthless. I have skills that I can use but there are no jobs in what my degree is in around here,”

“So for now, I might have to go back to hospitality. But that’s OK.”

More to come.


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