Anthea has been besties with Beth since like at least three years ago, but with Beth’s new boyfriend, comes a new circle of friends.

This was all very evident at Beth’s 29th last night, as Anthea had to find ways to inform everyone of her OG status in the exciting life of the birthday girl.

While bouncing between conversations with boring people that don’t know Beth as well as she does, it becomes clear to Anthea that everyone here sucks and why does Beth hang out with them.

As the relatively sped up birthday song finally wraps up, it’s Anthea’s chance to assert her alpha status and let these blow-ins know that she’s known Beth since the sand pit.

“…Happy birthdayyyy tooo you…” it finishes.

Anthea fires on off like a Glock 9.

“HIP HIP!” she shouts

“Hooray” they all hesitantly respond with.

“HIP HIP” she fires back.

As Anthea follows through with this cultural ritual the third and last, hooray – guests cringe in anticipation for a ‘she’s a jolly good fellow’ or even an ‘why was she born so beautiful’

This isn’t the first time the ferocious competition by two competing alpha besties has made headlines this month, as The Betoota Advocate reported the January 11th story of local girl, Jacqui, having to white knuckle it through a tense sparring session between her childhood bff and workplace bff at a nearby wine bar.


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