ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Wasting little time avoiding doing their jobs, the Nationals have this morning sat down for a good old fashioned leadership spill on the first day of the year.

Following a catastrophic summer of natural disasters and a year of uncertainty ahead for the regional voters the Nationals have decided to spend their time focusing on the real issues, like whose ego should be stroked the most.

Calling a spill to replace the Nationals Leader, when only the Deputy needed to be replaced because of the Bridget McKenzie sports rort saga the party sat down to vote on whether Barnaby should be given another opportunity to very publicly embarrassing himself and inconvenience all those connected to the party again.

While the numbers are yet to be released, McCormack has held off the challenge from Barnaby and David Littleproud has been elected as the party’s Deputy Leader.

That has lead McCormack to publicly pour out a black rat in front of the media scrum this morning to honour Matt Canavan’s political career.

“While Barnaby and I went toe to toe, it’s important to remember that the representative for Coal Mr Matt Canavan resigned from Cabinet to push for this spill,” he said pouring his 375ml can of Bundy and rum out onto the well-watered Parliament House lawn.

“So this one goes out to my homie Matt. Good luck in the lobbying world my friend.”


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