ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Despite the hype, last night’s episode of Four Corners was as explosive as watching Milo rise to the milk’s surface.

News that Attorney-General Christian Porter was an untitled little cunt at his exclusive private boys school and university college shocked nine people around the country.

Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Jobs for the Boys, Alan Tudge, had an affair with a staffer. That blew the socks off a 74-year-old Betoota Heights grandmother. Thankfully, the socks can be repaired.

But as the developments mentioned in Four Corners last night weren’t that explosive or damning or shocking, the net result will be the ABC’s funding will be slashed even further.

That’s according to Federal Communications Minister Paul Fletcher, who said the pain will continue for the public broadcaster.

“If you’re going to come for the Government, you shouldn’t leave anything on the table,” he said.

“Last night, Four Corners left a fuckload of pretty much common Canberra Bubble knowledge on the table and released the most lukewarm take down of the Alan Tudge and Christian Porter,”

“They should’ve gone for the jugluar, we tried to block it because we didn’t want Christian and Alan to be embarrassed. That’s it. The danger of these entitled deadshits losing their jobs is non-existant. Because at the end of the day, Scott backs his mates because that’s what blokes do. They back their mates to the end and close ranks when the angry women come knocking.”

The Advocate reached out to Four Corners for comment but their fax number has been disconnected.

More to come.


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