30 October, 2014. 13:29
DARRYL SEYMOUR | Gossip Guru | [email protected]
TODAY we dip into the archives and remember one of our more humorous blunders, thirty years ago to the day.
As a cadet journalist at The Betoota Advocate in 1974, current Editor-at-Large, Clancy Overell made a mistake that he won’t forget any time soon. Well before the days of online editing, back when our newspaper was only in print.
A story about the sleeping habits of Queen Elizabeth caused waves of controversy from here to right over the pond and onto the hallowed turf of Buckingham Palace.
Mr Overell’s mistake was quite crucial and offended a large portion of loyalist’s both here and over there. Complaints were received in the mail for months, from places as far as South India and the Caribbean.
Have a look below to see why Clancy has made sure all of his stories regarding the Royal Family have been flawless since.