A budding Aussie screenwriter has today had their film grant application knocked back for failing to meet the strict criteria, it’s reported.

As a recent graduate from Betoota Polytechnic film school, Daniel McCormack [22]  had dreams of hitting the big time as a Hollywood screenwriter.

Despite being at the top of his class, Daniel knew he’d have to get some praiseworthy short films under his belt before he made his way into the big smoke. Which luckily was an achievable dream, given the small pool of funding available to regional filmmakers.

Though he’d narrowly missed the application round for the Norman Duncan grant, Daniel was able to apply to the Regional Queensland short film grant, which would see him awarded a cool $20K to shoot a 60 min drama.

Unfortunately, it’s reported that Daniel had his application swiftly knocked back, despite one of his teachers stating it was ‘the best script they’d read in years.’

Our reporter spoke to the chair of Regional Queensland to discover why Daniel’s script was rejected.

“Look, I don’t know what to tell you, there’s a very strict criterion Australian filmmakers have to stick to for us to even consider their application”, says Mr Alistair Wray.

“It must involve either the outback or a scene that heavily hints at some kind of incestuous relationship.”

“And if the script features both?” prompts our reporter.

“Well I can’t really say too much, but let’s just say it’ll significantly improve your chances”, says Mr Wray with a wink.

More to come.


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