On the quest for love, sometimes you get your heartbroken and sometimes you’re the heart breaker – neither pleasant for either party.

For local woman Isabelle Buckham, a year of using dating apps has taught her many life lessons, including that nobody goes through life without hurting someone.

Having ghosted someone and been ghosted, fought for an emotionally unavailable partner and been an avoidant herself, Isabelle has had to come to terms that there are many reasons why love doesn’t work. 

This has been an excellent step for Isabelle, as her early twenties saw her constantly reflecting on her shortcomings instead of realising that sometimes, there’s no tangible reason a person has rejected your love. The feelings just weren’t there.

It’s alleged this realisation occurred after Isabelle had a pleasant first date with a guy off Bumble, who ticked every box when it came to finding a suitable mate.

Not only was he lovely, but he also had a good relationship with his friends and family and seemed, altogether, a top bloke – which is why it sucked when she felt absolutely nothing, not even a flicker of interest.

After coming home and staring despondently into the distance, wondering if she was doomed to wander the moors alone for the rest of her life, she immediately received a follow-up text enquiring about a second date, which sent her reeling once again.

As she agonised over her response and created three draft versions in her notes app, Isabelle figured the best course of action was sending it to the girl’s group chat for a careful review, so she could find the right words to let him down gently.

More to come.


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