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Oh no.

The day has come.

Deep down, Laurie Schultz knew it would happen eventually but hadn’t expected it to be quite so brutal.

Her situationship, Brian, has left her on seen.

Though she had secretly harboured thoughts that Brian would realise he was actually quite in love with her, Laurie had luckily remained a realist throughout the nine month situationship, but that hadn’t stopped her from getting feelings – it had only stopped her from admitting she had them.

After going through a brutal breakup with her long term boyfriend just one year ago, Laurie had gone into somewhat of a downward spiral, concluding that she’d rather be pining for anyone else except her ex boyfriend, because surely it would be less painful, right?

Haha, sadly no. But surely it counts as some kind of process.

Looking at her phone to see if Brian had miraculously answered her within the last five minutes, Laurie tries to look on the bright side of being so unceremoniously dropped from the roster, as she’s definitely not thinking about her ex anymore.

“Well”, she thinks, rather ruefully, “I’ll likely be crying over some other bloke in a few months time anyway.”

“If I got over the last one, I’ll get over this one.”

More to come.


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