29 November, 2015. 9:14
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
DESPITE BEING ONE of the more quieter towns of the Diamantina Shire, 23-year-old Dirk Hampton was ticketed by an area constable yesterday after failing to cross Adelaide Street at the designated crossing.
The $103 fine is bureaucracy gone mad, says Hampton.
“This is just revenue raising. Don’t the cops have anything better to do? Fuckin’ seriously?” he said. “In France, they have a term for blokes like him. C–t.”
Late last year, the local Birdsville Council decided to implement tough new anti-jay-walking legislation in response to a tragic accident where a visiting deaf Irish backpacker was knocked down by a drunk driver.
While the man later recovered, the Council said they had to act before it happened again.
“Look mate, we’ve got the best interests of the community at heart,” said Birdsville councillor Glenn Dick. “If you come to Birdsville, use the pedestrian crossings.”
“more quieter” ? Is that Birsdville grammer?