EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

Dating can be tough but for Julianne, it’s tougher – especially as she has trouble finding someone she knows with 100% certainty is gay who hasn’t already dated half of her friendship circle. 

Dipping the toe in the water every now and then by complimenting the odd chick on their outfit choice, haircut or double-barrelled earring, which had about a 50% success rate, Julianne reckons that without looking someone up to see if they had mutual friends on Facebook, it was hard to really know.

At least with celebrities, all it takes is a quick cursory look on Google. Not that she’d ever get to date them, but it’s nice to dream.

Julianne’s latest crush, a beautiful femme fatale in a CW show, is reportedly playing the role of gay woman suspiciously well, or in Julianne’s words, ‘radiating some strong top energy.’

Unfortunately for Julianne, after typing the character’s name in Google, the top suggestion is ‘death.’ – which is a shitty thing to learn only seven episodes deep into a four-season show.

Shaking her head sadly, Julianne says to herself that she really shouldn’t be that surprised as television portrayals of LGBT+ people rarely end well. Other than providing some much-needed zest to an otherwise boring plotline, gay representation seems to be limited to pure titillation or formulaic generalisations.

For a brief moment, Julianne had high hopes for her favourite character as she’d at least had some lines that did not centre on her queer identity. But alas, because the character did end up giving in to the sexual tension that had been slowly brewing over the season, it meant that she had to die. Because what else were the writers supposed to do?

More to come.


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