The icy wind and lack of sunlight should not at all be a deterrent from drinking 8-10 ice cold beers on this very Friday arvo, confirms the boys.

The boys that don’t have girlfriends or wives, and don’t play Saturday sport, and wouldn’t ever consider working over the weekend, that is.

According to a radical faction of bender enthusiasts in the group chat, it seems that the 18 degree temperature and overcast skies only strengthens the chances of consuming 8-10 ice cold beers.

While sending through photos of absolutely shithouse weather, the ringleader has suggested that it is a ‘fkn day for it’ and has asked who is meeting him at the usual watering hole immediately after close of business.

Anyone in the group chat who tries to insinuate that darkness of this bitter winter is actually making them less inclined to sit in a cold pub at sunset is written off as a soft cock.

Gradually through a combination of both peer pressure and motivational rhetoric, the radical faction’s optimism and excitment spreads their optimism to the previously half-reluctant members – including some blokes who wouldn’t usually join for a no-reason Friday blow out even on a good day.

One hour before knock off and the last blokes holding out are now facing unprecedented sledging and comments about their penises struggling to get erect.

All compromises are now off the table as well, with the ringleader doubling down and suggesting that they scrap their initial plan of meeting in the front bar and instead find a table in the beer garden to really take in this glorious winter arvo.



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