And so it finishes. The nation’s annual two week love affair with tennis has come to an end.

As the Australian Open finished last night, so too did the opportunity for the girl at work to go on about how much “She Loves Roger!” or your mate from high school to tell you why Novak Djokovic is going to be the greatest of all time.

It’s a special time in Australian culture, where everyone comes together to watch the tennis and cast expert opinions about the players battling it out.

But as Monday morning rolls in, the final conversations regarding tennis will take place for the year and the 25 million Australians can go back to not caring at all about tennis for the next 11 months.

Steve Johnson, a 33 year old Werriwa local disputes the claim and says he has watched a game of Wimbledon before and it “was pretty good.”

Lucy Andrews, a young professional in marketing says she absolutely loves Roger Federer; “OMG I actually love Roger, he is such a bae…. I seriously watch all of his matches at the Australian open.”

The nations kids will be dismayed at the tournament coming to an end, as the argument about staying up late to watch some mediocre Australian reality television will likely not fly compared to some “great tennis.”

Channel Nine have been adamantly trying to claim that the excitement will continue with the latest instalment of some shithouse reality show.

A spokesperson told the Advocate that “the fireworks will certainly continue, don’t you worry about that!”


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