21 June, 2015. 13:00
CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact
Finally, over four days after the horrific attacks in the south-eastern US city of Charleston, where a 21-year-old white man opened fire on churchgoers inside the famous Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Muslim-American leaders around the country have spoken up – Despite not really being asked to.

“We condemn the actions of this individual” said American-Muslim leader, Abdul Osman.
“This attack was not attributed to any community in particular, other than the watered-down white-power groups in Southern America, but like any form of domestic terrorism, we condemn this”
In a reoccurring trend, Muslim leaders from both inside and outside the United States are constantly asked whether or not they condemn the actions of mentally ill individuals who decide to shoot innocent people with powerful firearms.

“The greater Muslim community have about as much to do with this racist hillbilly as we do with the people perpetrating war crimes in Syria under the banner of IS, or the people shooting at journalists on the streets of Paris,”
Mr Osman has stated that he and his colleagues, who work towards peace and harmony for all Americans, rushed to all TV networks and newspapers in a quest to quickly condemn the actions of suspected gunman Dylann Roof. So as to avoid being blamed.
“We just thought we better speak up and condemn this before we got brutally criticised for not doing so. You never know who is going to be blamed for this, so we thought we better nip it in the bud”

In an era where domestic terrorism is far more likely to take innocent lives than international conflict, Western countries are quick to blame their own.
On the 14th of December last year, thousands of innocent Muslims were abused across the world after one man, who claimed to be representing them, held an entire cafe hostage for 24 hours.
“Man Monis was plain mad, just like this idiot in Charleston. I don’t think entire communities should really be held accountable for the actions of gun-weidling misfits” says prominent Australian psychologist, Ingrid Doulton.
“I mean seriously, why do Muslims get to own the title of terrorism. We have plenty of Anglo-Saxons who deserve that title. Remember Timothy Mcveigh? He was labelled a terrorist well before 9/11. The criteria has changed,”

Conservative news networks have briefly mentioned the condemnations by Muslim leaders on their live 24-hour-coverage of the horrific attacks. However, they still wait to hear from the Buddhist and Hindu communities.