With Australians still slogging it out against the price-gouging supermarket duopoly and interest rates that have skyrocketed since our nation’s politically protected corporations decided to pocket government stimulus packages at the height of a pandemic, it’s become increasingly difficult for our politicians to get any headlines.

This comes after a disappointing turn of events for the Liberal Party, who’d hoped that they would be able to gain a bit of electoral momentum by tanking Indigenous Voice referendum for no reason other than to take a bit of shine off the current government.

Unfortunately for Dutton and his team, any political capital that could have been gained from undermining a public vote against the generous proposal from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community leaders was immediately lost in a news cycle dominated by the horrors coming out of the Gaza Strip.

However, it seems the Liberal Party, working in partnership with the Murdoch newspapers and Sky News, may have yet another chance to put themselves out there for voters that might be looking for some meaningful political solutions.

Obviously they won’t be addressing the housing crisis, or the cost-of-living crisis, or any of the environmental disasters.

The rise of predatory online sportsbetting bookmakers who have access to the credit cards of millions of severley addicted gamblers. Hell no.

Nobody who donates to our political opposition’s election campaigns, or takes them to lunch, or offers them flights on private jets, will be have anything to worry about.

Once again, it’ll be those with the least stake in Australian society. By sticking boot into the Indigenous community while also feigning concern about the Australian way of life being attacked by ‘woke’ radicals.

This morning in the Liberal Party room, the whiteboard full of legitimate issues facing Australian voters was wiped clean. In it’s place, a staffer wrote the words ‘Australia Day Culture War’.

It seems the party already started early this year, after someone had discovered that Woolworths had stopped stocking Chinese made Australian flag merchandise.

But today it’s been decided that things are about to ramp up, in the Liberal Party’s efforts to protect Australia Day from absolutely no plans to change it.


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