The Nation

Older Female Coworkers Brief Intern On Rescue Signals Ahead Of Law Firm Xmas Party

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The 22-year-old receptionist at Sydney law firm, Ogilgemer-Maher, is a having a really good day. As a recent university graduate, Annabelle Rockham says she finally feels comfortable in her entry-level position at the 100-person strong Martin Place office. "I've been here for about four months and since then I had only had a couple conversations with co-workers who weren't delegating...

Online Retailer Surprisingly Not Hijacked By Gay Market

Story via Business Insider 24 November, 2015 16:45 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT It is amazing that Australia's largest online retailer has not been completely hijacked by the ever-growing international gay market. That's according to a new report released by the Business Insider yesterday. The iconic swimwear company, known locally as Budgy Smuggler, is well known for their iconic "Banana Hammock" style male swimmers. However, their product appears...

Trans-Class: Privately Educated Legal Professional Defends Love Of Barnesy

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact WORKING HARD TO MAKE his living and seeking shelter from the rain in his New Farm apartment, a Brisbane legal professional says that despite his exclusively private education and six-figure salary, he "can still really identify" to Jimmy Barnes' immortal classic Working Class Man. The song first appeared on the 1985 album For the Working...

Meet Australia’s first openly Muslim bartender

23 November, 2015. 9:26 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact WHEN ONE OF HIS mates joked that he should get behind a bar, they would have never imagined that 21-year-old Mahmood Al-Edwij would do just that. While he was raised a Muslim in Sydney's western suburbs, the naturalised Australian citizen said he's having the time of his young working in the city's red...

Australian wine best served as punch, says experts

22 November, 2015. 9:26 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Australian wine is best served as punch, that's according to world leading connoisseurs. The news comes after rioters in Europe have been caught using Australian red wine to vandalise cars and other auto-equipment. Just last week, a crime group from north-east London admitted to using cleanskin Aussie red to strip the paint off...

Woolworths Under Fire For New Facebook Filter Campaign: #PrayForFreshness

21 November, 2015 11:45 HARRY MANTER | Contributor | CONTACT With Woolworths' ANZAC day advertising bungle still fresh in our memories, the supermarket chain has again courted controversy with the timing of its new social media campaign. The campaign dubbed ‘Fresh Food Filters’ allows Facebook users to superimpose a translucent green tint and the Woolworths logo over their profile picture as a way to raise awareness...

Is this the man who’ll kick Brisbane mayor Graham Quirk out of office?

20 November, 2015. 9:14 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact BRISBANE'S GOLDEN SON Bernard Fanning is emerging as the frontrunner for the River City's mayoral election race next year, despite not formally announcing his candidacy. Political commentators have outlined that the recent surge in the former Powderfinger frontman's electoral popularity is due to the underlying fact that neither Labor hopeful Rod Harding...

Displaced Middle Eastern Family Give Birth While Waiting To Be Processed By Government

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT With the ongoing European refugee crisis remaining a divisive political issue, over 2.8 billion people have shown their support for a young Middle Eastern family who were forced to give birth in an unhygienic agricultural premises, after being denied refuge by an entire city. Yusuf and Maryam, both 14, say that their pleas for asylum fell on deaf ears...

Sun-dried Irishman rushed to hospital after beach binge drink

19 November, 2015. 09:15 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact BURNS SPECIALISTS HAVE arrived in Sydney this morning after a 27-year-old Northern Irish national fell asleep on Bondi Beach yesterday afternoon. The tragedy comes as the man is said to have ignored warnings from fellow beachgoers. They became alarmed when the Toomebridge native removed his shirt, revealing his sickly Antrim pallor. Martin Sloan Felter was found around 5pm...

80% Of Yoga Mats Only Used For Carrying Over Shoulder To And From Work

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT According to the official Forbes list, Australian active-wear entrepreneur Casey Hoskins is reportedly worth over six million dollars - and she owes it all to an amazing idea she had while travelling around London late last year. "Everywhere I looked I saw people walking around the city with yoga mats. In the streets, on the tube, at cafe's," "I thought 'surely...



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