Russian President Vladimir Putin is facing a PR nightmare this morning, after making a historic stumble in Moscow.

Facing a defining election next month, the man hoping for a 5th term in the top job has created headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Showing up to a packed house of journalists eager to take the President to task, Putin was unable to state the current unemployment rate in Russia.

Currently sitting at 3.9%, Putin stumbled over a couple of answers before awkwardly poking his tongue out in a rare display of human emotion.

Fending off a couple of earlier gotcha questions, Putin stumbled on the unemployment rate, with Russian media now going into overdrive about the competence of the former KGB man.

With Russia set to go to the polls, the fumble is a big win for Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny – who is currently based in a penal colony 1900 kilometres north east of Moscow.

Opponents of Putin hope that his fumble will allow the poisoned opposition leader to mount a strong campaign from his prison camp in Siberia.

It’s also set to be a big win for Boris Nadezhdin, an anti-war Putin challenger who was just barred by the court from registering as a candidate.

Putin has yet to speak since the major fuck up, but some pundits believe it may be a body blow to his re-election campaign in this tightly fought democratic process.

More to come.


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