A Betoota Heights home has this weekend played host to a touching family bonding experience.

The quaint mass build 4 bedroom project home on the Hillview Crescent cul-de-sac was the scene of 8 hours of unbridled father and son time.

This comes after Toby Matthews and his young son Roy found themselves all on their lonesome on Saturday afternoon, after Helena, Roy’s mum and Toby’s wife headed out for a well-deserved night on the town.

“Yeah, Helena had her sister’s hens on Saturday night, so that meant I was on dad duty,” says Toby, the type of bloke who often refers to his fatherly duties as chores.

“It was a great time,” laughed Toby, who was able to complete the new video game he’d been dying to play for weeks.

“We didn’t get up to too much believe it or not, just enjoyed some father son time.”

“Roy was super chill,” explained Toby, who may or may not have failed to keep the routine around feeding and bed time.

When asked whether Toby took young Roy down to the park, or went for a walk to look at some dogs and birds and planes and trucks, the new father laughed.

“We’ve done plenty of that, and it was pretty hot outside.”

“So I just thought it would be a good idea to park up in the cool house and treat Roy to some educational videos.”

“I mean, Cocomelon’s not EXACTLYYYY educational, but it’s still pretty good I reckon.”

“Besides, it keep Roy on track while I went to another planet and got it done.”

“Mum isn’t aware of our behaviour though, so it’s going to be great to when she reads this article.”

More to come.


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