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The small farming community of Betoota Downs in the Development Road to Windorah has welcomed the arrival of a Red Rooster restaurant over the weekend – a sign that the satellite town has moved up in the world.

Betoota Downs has grown rapidly over the past two decades; it’s population and size swelling to that of a medium-sized desert community.

Recent upgrades have been made to the shopping, business and culinary sections over the years – as well as a number of education and health projects being earmarked by local government.

In 2004, the area received its first McDonald’s restaurant.

Immediately, it proved to have a profound impact on the community. With the double-edged impact of being ultimately responsible for the skyrocketing local obesity rate as well as providing limited funding for children’s sport, the community would be poorer without it according to locals.

Followed closely by a Subway storefront in the Wallace Road Shopping Arcade.

Touted as the healthier, fresher option to the golden arches, the Betoota Downs Subway shot the national fame in 2013 for going through the most seafood surprise than any other store nationwide.

However, 2018 is the year of the Rooster in this small community on the edge of the Simpson Desert.

One Betoota Downs farm worker spoke to The Advocate this afternoon about the fanfare that followed the opening on Saturday as well as the new smorgasbord of chicken-based fast food now available.

“I would’ve rathered a KFC but I’ll give Red Rooster a shot,” said Kurt Chin.

“It’s where the Video-Ezy used to be so I guess it’s got some big boots to fill. I say good luck to them.”

Chin was able to confirm to our reporter that nobody in the community really asked for a Red Rooster but they’ll take it.

“I guess this means we have everything a country town could ever want. But a KFC would be great if anybody reading this is looking for a business opportunity.”

More to come.


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