In some sad news from the cutthroat world of reality television, a Channel Nine producer is out of work today.

The up and coming young producer working on Married At First Sight, which is now effectively the channel’s flagship program, was shown the door after making a diabolical fuck up.

Going against all of the shows well-defined rules, the producer somehow allowed two pretty genuine and well-matched people to be paired up as a couple for the entirety of the show.

“Yeah, everything was pretty hectic and I really like both of their stories and personalities, but obviously I shouldn’t have paired Cathy and Josh up,” sighed the young woman enjoying a quiet day to contemplate everything.

This comes as the ratings giant kicks of a big week of weddings that aren’t actually weddings but serve as the premise to the whole show.

“The Executive Producer hit the roof after they found out what I’d done. They said the only way I could keep my job is if I somehow orchestrated a cheating scandal in between the couple, but they are just good honest people and I couldn’t actually do that,” she sighed.

“Oh well, I guess it’s back to Lego Wars or something like that.”


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