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On the surface, Hospital Supplies Coordinator Michelle Fuller (39) appears to be a healthy, well-adjusted professional but for far too long she has been suffering in silence.

Just like one in five women aged 18-45, Fuller has the music of English singer-songwriter Adele stuck in her head basically every day for the past 5-10 years.

“It always just creeps up on me,” stated Fuller, who would like our readers to know lives a mostly normal lifestyle aside from the constant humming of Rolling In The Deep.

“I’ll be folding the clothes and before I know it I’m halfway through belting out the chorus of Hello.” 

Fuller says she is not quite sure how long it has been since she went a day without getting Adele’s heartbreaking ballads stuck in her head but estimates it could go as far back to the 2011 release of the Grammy-winning album 21.

According to Fuller, when the album was released she listened to the album every day, not knowing there would be long-term effects.

“Someone just has to strike a key on a piano the suburb over and I have Turning Tables on loop in my brain until I finally fall asleep.”  

Although she never quite makes a full drive to work without singing at least a few Adele refrains to herself, Fuller wants more people who live with obsessive Adelisms to come forward.

“Some research suggests that men actually feel it in the same numbers but they don’t come forward because they are too embarrassed to talk about it either because they see Adele as not being ‘masculine enough’ or because she hasn’t released any bangers in a bit.”


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