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Simone Kesby’s throw away birthday message to a 4th tier friend has come back to haunt her after the acquaintance followed up with her proposition to get a drink soon please babe.

It’s understood that Simone sends out these fake date baits to any friend good enough for a personal message but not good enough to warrant a phone call, however, no one usually takes her up on it.

The Advocate has managed to obtain the text message thread between Simone and her faux friend, which to the untrained eye appears to be a sincere exchange, however, in Simone’s world, it’s a horror story.

“Oh Mon, thank you! I’m actually free this Friday if you are?” read the reply.

At this point it’s believed that Simone went into panic mode, scrambling to think of an excuse to blow off the other party.

“Babe, damn! I can’t do this Friday, I’ve got a work thing” Simone wrote in a text message as a reply.

“How about Saturday? Or next week some time?” replied the friend, completely unaware of Simone’s weasel-like reply.

“Oh shoot, I’m out this weekend and next week work is a nightmare! How about I message you?”

This kind of exchange is what psychologists are calling ‘hygiene interactions’, they’re throwaway lines that you hope no one ever follows up with. The interactions typically occur on birthdays, when a child is born, or even as simply when staying at a friend’s house and you offer to clean up.

More to come.


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