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A one of the few covert mercenary agents left over from Japan’s feudal era has today taken to Twitter to ‘call-out’ Australian TV network Channel 9.

Momochi Nagato (24) says to see his ancient, no longer practicing, culture used for light entertainment makes him sick to the stomach.

Before taking a gap year from irregular warefare to study Arts at Sydney uni, Momochi says espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare was part of his day-to-day life – and criticised Channel 9 for what he says is ‘horrific cultural appropriation’ with their new reality show, Ninja Warrior.

However, it hasn’t been an easy decision.

As an actual ninja, Momochi finds himself in a difficult position, because he’s also a woke millennial Twitter user.

“It’s like, do I continue trolling Ben Fordham off an anonymous account, or do I sack up and use my real name” he says.

“The problem is, the whole point of being a ninja is maintaining a secret identity, but the whole point of being a woke millennial is trying to bring as much attention to myself as possible”

In the end, Momochi says he went for the easiest option, which was to undermine hundreds of years of proud Shinobi culture and history by positioning himself as a victim of culturally insensitive TV producers.

“I’ve already been offered to write a few articles for the Guardian” he said.

“A producer from The Project emailed me as well”


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