ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

“I’ve been smoker dumpers all week,” he said.

“Eating generic cereal twice a day. You know that movie, ‘The Martian?’ Yeah, I’ve basically been living off microwaved potatoes since Australia Day. I feel tired all the time, like my body is shutting down. I need to get back to work.”

Conor Pooley’s story isn’t unlike the other casual teachers in Betoota.

Initially charmed by the higher daily wage he receives as a causal primary school teacher, the financial implications of school holidays always seems to take him by surprise.

The 28-year-old explained to The Advocate that he’d take a full-time position – if there was one going at a school he liked in an area he felt he deserved to live in.

But, he says, until that time, he’ll be living lean when the school breaks up for holidays.

“This summer has been especially hard,” he said.

“But is fucking over. I never thought I’d say this but I can’t wait to head back to school.”

This year, the starving Virgo is at the helm of the 3/4 composite class at Pellcoward Street Primary School in Betoota Heights – a responsibility given typically given to a full-time teacher.

“If they offered me a contract, I’d take it. But I wouldn’t mind moving over to The Whooton School in Betoota Grove next year. Working at a private school comes with perks like air-conditioning but the holidays are longer and the kids and parents are cunts,”

“Something to think about.”

More to come.


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