ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Auckland, once famed for it’s lack of coronavirus and fresh air, now only has one of those as the city resumes it’s former role as a more boring version of Hobart.

Hobart is a great place to visit and has some really nice things to do. Auckland has an airport which gives people access to the North Island of New Zealand, which is very cool.

But when Hobart was struck down with the pangolin’s kiss, mainly because of the ineptitude within the NSW Government and the Home Affairs Office, it lost much of the sheen it had enjoyed for many years.

And that sheen was given to Auckland because unlike the rest of the free world, there was no coronavirus there and everyone was free to go about their business as they would usually.

That’s over now.

Now Auckland is just another city by the sea, full of people coughing on each other.

Hobart is back.

More to come.


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