Old City District advertising agency The Damn Brandals have been losing more hair than usual as they have been forced to actually do their job in the lengthy period between footy and beach cricket.

With advertisements usually writing themselves in the summer, ad creatives such as Jamie Gardener (29) have been forced to use the skills he learnt while “studying” advertising to make autoplay videos that everyone is going to skip anyway.

“We could do the Butter Menthol winter beach cricket series?” mused Gardener.

“Get a bunch of influencers, use Easter Eggs for balls? Aaah, nup.”

Gardener states that trying to write adverts during the off-season is a lot like creating pointless, unrealistic scenarios that imitate real-life while convincing people they need shit they don’t.

Luckily for Gardener, this will be the last advertising dead zone for a while as this soon he will be occupied by the 2020 Olympics.

“It will be good to see how many products I can photoshop in place of a javelin. Maybe a discus but that’s a bit naff yeah?”

Until then however, Gardener is stuck trying to come up with ideas for adverts for selfish corporations with small budgets and no interest in winning an award for advertising.

“Fuck, it is so hard to come up with ideas right now.”


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