The mystery has been solved!

After days and days of speculation, the nation finally has an answer to the superannuation question that everyone wants answered.

Not whether a change that effects 0.5% of the population is a slippery slope into communism, but who the fuck owns that superannuation account with $554 million in it.

The account was the lone outlier in the over half a billion dollar category, with 80,000 people having at least 3 million in the super bank.

Theories had mounted about who the cashed up rich lister was, with many believing it may have been Gina Rineheart.

The National Party’s strong opposition to the policy had seemingly been a little crumb that many had followed, but The Advocate can now reveal who has the big balance.

And while it isn’t Gina Rineheart, it is a regional Australian, with Gold Logie winner Tom Gleeson coming out to claim ownership of the staggering amount of wealth.

The only Gunnedah product to dwarf Miranda Kerr, Gleeson says he’s accumulated the very health super balance after years of hustling and grinding.

“It’s me,” he admitted to The Advocate a short time ago.

“I play super. Hardddddd!”

While his balance is half of the ABC’s yearly budget, Tom says it’s his real estate investments and commercial opportunities that have earned him the cash.

“Mate, I’ve flipped half of the Gunn,” he laughed.

“And I’ve been accumulating those Hard Quiz trophies and selling them on the side.”

When asked about what he thought of the government’s new changes, Gleeson was understandably coy.

“Look, it’s a shame that they are going after humble regional New South Welshmen like me, but you can’t bite the hand that feeds you, can you.”


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