The Nation

Farmer Wants A Wife considered showcasing actual farmers this season

8 January, 2016. 11:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact PRODUCERS FROM NINE'S runaway success story, Farmer Wants A Wife, say they're were ready to put real farmers and primary producers on the ninth season of the show, but no real farmer they could find could fit the filming schedule. In an attempt to break from the usual mould of casting adult...

Government Cuts To Pap Smears To Result In Even Colder Screening Instruments

7 January, 2016 17:30 INGRID DOULTON | Women's Topics | CONTACT As part of the Mid-Year Economic Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), the Turnbull Government will remove bulk billing incentives for pathology services. This means women who need their pap smear will now be required to pay for a doctor to put foreign objects inside them to scrape their cervix, once the federal government’s cuts to bulk-billing incentive payments...

Depression-era cooking show pulled after viewers shown how to skin a cat

6 January, 2015. 15:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A GROUND BREAKING new cooking show teaching viewers recipes and cooking techniques from the Depression has been removed from YouTube just hours after it aired because it contained graphic images of how to catch, skin and butcher a cat. During the first episode, 97-year-old Frank Webster began by showing that a banana peel...

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Stereosonic

8 December, 2015 15:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT It is believed that the Islamic State have claimed responsibility for a horrific series of crimes targeting innocent Australians in an array of capital cities over the last two weeks. Hundreds of young Australians have been left injured and several dead as a result of the nonsensical attacks on civilians, with thousands calling in sick for work today and...

Local champion now far better person than friends for quitting smoking

23 December, 2015. 15:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE MOST HANDSOME AND CONFIDENT guy in his circle of friends has become better than all of them for finally kicking the world's most disgusting and expensive habit - smoking. Myles Beanbag, or "Champ" to his mates, said he was hypnotised by big tobacco. Thinking he couldn't live without his beloved cigarettes, he had...

Assisted Showers And Intravenous Indian Food Introduced At New Hangover Clinic

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact DRAGGING A CHAIR into the shower the next morning has forever been indicative of a larger than usual night was had. Now a new hang over clinic in central Brisbane is offering something better. Rather than slumping over in your own filth and anxiety, specialist shower chairs designed for geriatric and less mobile patients are available for...

Stoner Sloth Seeks New Ways To Hide Pain Of Parents’ Divorce

20 December, 2015 17:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT In the wake of a blatant Government-approved character assassination, Delilah "Stoner Sloth" Carpenter (17) says she will now have to find new ways to hide and suppress her deep-seeded fears of abandonment and social anxieties. "I guess one of the main reasons I smoked weed was because it made me feel better about the fact that my...

Amnesty International report low levels of Christmas cheer amongst Santa’s Elves

20 December, 2015. 13:06 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact WORLD-RENOWNED PHILANTHROPIST Santa Claus was forced by rising Scandinavian labour costs and a plummeting US dollar to move his manufacturing base from Lapland in Northern Finland to Shenzhen in Southern China - something human rights groups say is costing lives. Chinese employees at Claus' new factory have since protested their working conditions, which...

Fondue double-dipping disaster triggers triple shooting tragedy

19 December, 2015. 9:45 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact FOUR FAMILIES ARE PICKING up the pieces this morning after three people were shot overnight during a fondue party in Brisbane's inner suburbs. All of the victims are listed in a serious but stable condition with life threatening injuries, although they're expected to make a full recovery. Police are now trying to put...

Man fined for eating ecstasy tablet in designated smoking area

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE NSW STATE GOVERNMENT came down hard on pubs and clubs earlier last year, forcing an apartheid between the eaters and the smokers. Those caught showing a flagrant disregard for the controversial law have been fined, including a 25-year-old finance worker, who was slapped with a $209 fine for eating in a smoking area. Thomas...



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