
Mike Baird Delivers Stirring Speech To NSW Women’s Temperance League In Kings Cross

11 January, 2016 11:15 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT New South Wales Premier Mike Baird received a 29-minute standing ovation after delivering an emotional speech to the Women's Temperance League NSW Chapter at a community hall in Kings Cross last night. In what many describe as his "Redfern Speech" moment, Baird was praised by the anti-alcohol movement for "sticking to his guns" regarding...

Can Someone Please Help Mum Change Her Photo? She’s Been Asking For A While Now

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Although she refuses to admit it, local mum Annette Sawyer has needed help updating her Facebook profile for over three months now. In a moment of hysterical emotion in June 2015, Ms Sawyer joined the masses on social media and decided to show her support for marriage equality by altering her Facebook profile image to include a Gay...

NSW Premier Live-Tweets ‘Here Come The Habibs’

10 February, 2016 13:45 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT NSW Premier Mike Baird is under fire today for tweeting a series of offensive 'reviews' about the new Channel Nine production "Here Come The Habibs" - a comedy show that shines the light on race relations in Australia. In the barrage of tweets (which have since been deleted) Mike Baird uses the terms "Westie" and "Wog"...

Baird And Scipione Reach Alcohol-Free State Of Euphoria At Mid-Week Hillsong Gathering

9 January, 2016 15:45 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT NSW Premier Mike Baird and his close friend, NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione were by far among the most lively at a mid week Hillsong gathering in Baulkalm Hills last night, that's according to the onlookers who were able to sneak a photographs of them. It is believed Baird, who lists himself as as a devout Anglican...

Karl Stefanovic Releases New Line Of Swimwear: The Logie Smugglers

5 February, 2016. 11:05 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Media icon and hedonistic functional alcoholic, Karl Stefanovic, has revealed his newest business venture on breakfast television this morning: The Logie Smugglers. In what can only be described as a blatant conflict of interest and a shameless promotion of his own brand, the Today Show Co-Host debuted his new line of male swimmers on-air shortly before...

Sydney Property Developer Says Pubs Don’t Need To Be Open Any Later Than 5pm

  CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Local billionaire property developer, Lang Meriton, says that the idea of Australian nightlife districts being forced to close their venues five hours earlier than any other international cities around the world is not even a remote concern for him and his family. "It's not even a remote concern for me and my family" says the portly 67-year-old, who...

National Security No Longer At Risk As 2-Month-Old Hands Himself In To Border Force

1 February, 2016 13:35 CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The fugitive known as "Boo-boo" has today handed himself in to officers at Darwin's Border Force headquarters, after spending more than half of his life on the run. After arriving in Australia in late 2015 as a prenatal asylum seeker, Boo-Boo came to the attention of authorities are being officially documented in an Australian hospital, with...

Local Man Bombards Four Social Media Channels With Proof That He Exercises Sometimes

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact IN A THINLY-VEILED attempt at telling every woman he has on social media that he now exercises, a 29-year-old Brisbane legal profession said he can't wait to start rooting again, using his soon-to-be chiselled body as a potent sexual weapon, which none of them are going to be able to resist. Concluding that the lack of physical intimacy and...

5 Easy Tips For Filming Racist Incidents On Public Transport

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Filming a public disturbance is harder than most people think. Whether it's a racist middle-aged woman's offensive tirade on public transport, or a bunch of drunk teenagers brawling in the Bi-Lo car park - there is an art to it. With the rise of viral streetfight videos gracing our Facebook newsfeeds, it is very important to make sure your...

Australia’s Got Talent named ironically, say producers

2 February, 2016. 11:34 ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact THE SEASON DEBUT OF Australia's Got Talent raised eyebrows across the country last night as many where left wondering if the show did intended to showcase niche skill and expertise. That was until this morning, when the show's producers released a statement that this year, the show will feature more light entertainment and...



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