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A man from the Far Western outpost of Perth has this week offered an official statement on the fortunes of the region’s favourite sons.

The Nedlands man by the name of Jusitn Bancroft says the relatively dark days of the West Coast Eagles are finally over.

“The Reidbuild is officially complete mate,” said Bancroft in the his weird Perthiak accent last night.

Speaking to The Advocate after a couple of Perth priced pints at the Mayfair, Bancroft said the days of cellar dwelling are done and dusted.

“Mate, we’ve suffered enough,” said the Blue and Gold fan like he’s an Essendon or North Melbourne supporter.

“I was patiently waiting for the rebuild to come to fruition over the next few years, but we’ve finished it a year or so early.”

Bancroft’s comments come after the Weagles ran over the top of the Melbourne Punters Club on Sunday night, chalking up a 3rd win for the season!

That win has already equalled their 2023 record, and superseded man of their fans expectations.

On top of the mammoth pile of points the Eagles have accumulated just a third of the way through the season, the win came with yet another highlight package of young Harley Reid showing off.

“He’s is the future. He could be the greatest we’ve ever seen. Swear to god,” said Bancroft.

“Stiff arm, stiff arm, ooosssssss, stiff armmmmm, goalllllllll” continued Bancroft, nearly knocking a batch of pint glasses off the table.

“And let me tell ya, when you look at the table.”

“3 wins outside the 8….”

‘Adelaide, St Kilda and Norf coming up.”

“I’m seeing the World Wide Web brother.”

“Three Ws in a row.”

“We are making finals, mark my word.”

“The Reidbuild was fun while it lasted.”

More to come.


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