Scanning her fridge for an appropriate midnight snack, local woman Jasmine Thompson is disappointed to discover she’s severely lacking any savoury snacks.

The only good thing in the fridge is her roommate’s leftovers but unlike other meals she’d nibbled on in the past – such as the time her roomie made a large bowl of carbonara –  it’d hardly go by unnoticed. Or at least, the number of bites she’d be able to take without being noticed would not be enough to satiate her hunger. 

It doesn’t help that she’s attempting to stick to a diet by consuming small pitiful microwave meals that boast 300 calories or less – which might be because they’re so fucking small.

Instead of helping her with her weight loss, these meals often made her resort to a frantic 10 pm search for the fattiest snack possible. Which means she could have saved herself the trouble in the first place by having a substantial meal for dinner instead..

Spying a box of processed cheese sitting in her refrigerator door, Jasmine longingly looks at the leftover Quiche Lorraine before shovelling a single piece of cheese into her mouth.

More to come.


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