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A Betoota Heights bachelor is considering lodging a complaint with the ACCC this week after feeling underwhelmed with his purchase of a bagless vacuum cleaner.

Dennis Mulligan told The Advocate today while waiting in line for the D45 trolley bus out of the city that his Dyson ‘suck stick’ hasn’t lived up to his expectations.

“Oh man, the fucken thing drives me wild,” he said.

“You go suck suck suck and then the fucken thing is chocka-block, which is a good thing right, then you need to empty the thing over a bin and it’s got the fucking cone thing in the middle, so you’ve got to get a fork out to scoop all the lint into the bin like a fucking bear uses a stick to fish ants out of an old log.”

Our reporter then took one of their earphones out.

“Mate, it’s the principle of the thing. You fork out all this money and you’re having to fork the dirt out of this bagless bastard.”

When asked if he knew that you could detatch the whole thing and tip it into the bin, Dennis paused then scrunched his face.

“I don’t care. Give me something with a bag any day. You just fill it up and throw it away.”

More to come.


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